Thursday 5 February 2009

the first “home-made” musical in Macau - "D for Daddy, S for Son – a Conceptual Musical" 澳門首部原創音樂劇《我的非常老竇》年底公演 (澳门首部原创音乐剧《我的非常老窦》年底公演)

Macau's first musical debut by locals - the first “home-made” musical in Macau will be perform at the end of this year. This performance will be temporarily called "D for Daddy, S for Son – a Conceptual Musical". All the cast and crew are performed by the locals.

The project "Art-in-Residence (AIR) Project - A Local original Musical Comes to Life" began in September 2007, now it reaches its third and final phase. This project includes the creative process, production and performance of the original musical. The Macau Cultural Centre will start accepting applications from local residents who have talents in theatre, music or dance to be in the first musical of Macau. At the end of the year, all the participants of the project will perform the show they created at the stage.

At first in 2007, participants went through the basics of this theatrical genre and starts to produce their own show. The second phase focused on training more interested actors to commit themselves to “Broadway Express”, a musical showcase. This year, the project is reaching its third and final phase.

一部完全由澳門人創作及表演的音樂劇 - 《我的非常老竇》即將在年底誕生。 音樂劇首次由本地制作, 講述澳門人的故事。 在一衆創作團隊的分工合作下, 目前劇本大綱已敲定。 除了由戲劇農庄藝術總監黃樹輝擔任導演, 其他所有幕后創作歌曲, 舞蹈動作,到舞台、燈光的設計等均由澳門人擔綱。 這個百份百澳門原創的音樂劇將於12月向觀眾呈現。

分三個階段進行的“駐場藝術創作計劃——本地原創音樂劇的誕生”本地原創音樂劇計劃 - 首先開展的是2007年首階段“音樂劇DIY”工作坊, 學員經專業導師的指導下, 學習創作音樂劇。 2008年第二階段再次招募一批學員進入音樂劇表演工作坊。 經過一系列唱, 跳及演技訓練, 於去年年底公演音樂劇《穿梭百老匯》。 目前開展第三階段為演員招募行動, 參加者須為澳門居民, 具備歌唱舞蹈或戲劇表演經驗。 希望通過甄選可以招募到更多有興趣和表演才能的人士加入這支隊伍。