Thursday 5 February 2009

IIFA Awards weekend may held in Macau 澳門威尼斯人申辦印度電影頒奬禮 (澳门威尼斯人申办印度电影颁奬礼)


Pic Source : chinanews
Amitabh Bachchan

Shanghai, Macau and Istanbul - one of them may host the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) award ceremony this year. A number of cities are bidding for it and Macau is among one of them. Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan is the brand ambassador of the event.

Indian Film Academy (IIFA) award is held over an extended weekend in June every year. The ceremony is held over an extended weekend, from 11st June to 13rd June.

The organizers of the event - Wizcraft, are expected to make a formal announcement soon the event will be held at The Venetian Macau.

有消息指出, 澳門威尼斯人與來自上海, 伊斯坦布爾的機構入選最后競逐之列, 競逐承辦今年六月的“國際印度電影學院頒奬典禮”(IIFA)。 威尼斯人幾個月前加入競逐承辦該活動, 現在等候主辦單位公布結果。

數據顯示2008年入境本澳的印度旅客有83,970人, 同比勁升84%。 威尼斯人若成功申辦印度電影節, 對推廣澳門旅游有所幫助。 有助澳門開發多元巿場。 印度電影事業(Bollywood)年產電影逾千部, 可說是東方娛樂之城。 吸引這類頒奬禮落戶, 有助澳門開發多元巿場。

商業電影網站(Business of Cinema)消息亦指出, IIFA主辦單位本周末有可能考慮將印度電影和其年度頒奬儀式在澳門舉行, 儀式已訂於6月11日至6月13日舉行。