Thursday, 19 February 2009

Macau Soul 澳感廊

English couple David and Jackie Higgins opened Macau Soul to share their passion for jazz music and wines. Located in the heart of historic Macau, Macau Soul is an elegant and relaxing wine lounge featuring fine art, great music and with decent pricing. David Higgins himself regularly takes the stage to play banjo at the bar.

31 Travessa da Paixao, Macau (near the ruins of St Paul's)

Telephone: (853) 2836-5182

由一對英籍夫婦David和Jacky開設的爵士吧 - 澳感廊(MacauSoul), 建築和選址都非常有浪漫氣息。 澳感廊是位於大三巴腳下、戀愛巷巷口的一幢葡式建築物。 店內舒適的環境以及極富玩味的陳設, 適合情侶聽音樂談心或三五知己聚首小酌聊天。酒吧每天播著 Blues 和 Jazz 音樂。

David和Jacky表示, 由餐廳選址, 食物和飲品的採購和烹調, 甚至店內的裝修擺設都是親力親為。

地址: 澳門大三巴街 31 號 (戀愛巷口)
電話: (853) 2836 5182
開放時間: 08時00分 - 19時30分
