Thursday, 19 February 2009

Falcon's Treehouse to bring entertainment experience to City of Dreams - Dragon’s Treasure 新濠天地呈獻「龍騰」超感觀多媒體視聽體驗 (新濠天地呈献「龙腾」超感观多媒体视听体验)


City of Dreams announced that Falcon’s Treehouse LLC, a premier US entertainment group will develop a totally immersive and unique multi-media entertainment experience for the visitors - "Dragon’s Treasure". Dragon’s Treasure will be showcased in a dome-shaped theatre, one of the iconic landmarks located in City of Dreams - "The Bubble". This 10 mins immersive multi-media experience combines high definition video content, a sweeping musical score, over 29,000 theatrical LED lights and a variety of sensory effects to create a stirring multi-media extravaganza. This multi-media experience looks to surround and envelop the audience both physically and emotionally through cinematic techniques and in-theater special effects, by harnessing the vast emotional power of “elemental storytelling” and breaking familiar conventions of narrative story forms down to their most simplistic components. Dragon’s Treasure has been created based on incorporating eastern philosophy and Chinese mythology.

新濠天地獨特綜合劇院勢發成為澳門最熱門必遊的綜合娛樂度假勝地。公司宣布將隆重呈獻由美國頂尖娛樂集團Falcon’s Treehouse LLC 制作的超感觀多媒體視聽新體驗立體動感視聽節目。 由世界知名的Falcon’s Treehouse制作團隊監制, 包括概念創作, 媒體制作, 燈光音響及特殊效果設計節目 - 「龍騰」(Dragon’s Treasure)將於新濠天地獨特的圓頂形綜合劇院 - 天幕(The Bubble)上演。 全長十分鐘, 視聽節目結合多媒體視覺感觀效果, 高清數碼內容, 獨特樂章以及運用超過29,000枚劇院式發光二極體(LED)燈集眾多特別效果於一身, 締造極盡視聽娛樂享受。「龍騰」揉合了東方傳統哲學及中國神話,以傳故事形式, 運用最新的媒體技術, 配合獨特樂章和高質視覺感觀效果演繹出一幕幕精彩及澎湃情節。「龍騰」將帶給觀眾無限驚喜, 震撼觀眾心靈。

新濠天地將於2009年上半年開幕, 新濠天地獨特綜合劇院勢發成為澳門最熱門必遊的綜合娛樂度假勝地。