Tuesday, 17 March 2009

University of Macau offers three new master degree programs 澳門大學新增三個碩士學位 (澳门大学新增三个硕士学位)

University of Macau will offer three new master degree programs in the coming academic year.

The University of Macau (UM) will offer 3 new Master’s Degree Programs to nurture talents in different disciplines initiated this year, namely Master of Science in Finance, Master of Education in Early Childhood Education and Human Development and Master of Arts in International Relations and Public Policy.

The Master of Science in Finance aims to meet the need for more advanced level professionals in finance. It is a way for students to prepare and take certification of their skills in the field such as Chartered Finance Analysis (CFA) or Certified Financial Planners (CFP).

The newly added Master of Education in Early Childhood Education and Human Development demonstrates to meet the global development of early childhood education.

The Master of Arts in International Relations and Public Policy is mainly to nurture talents in the areas of public administration and international relations.

The University of Macau Master's Degree and Postgraduate Certificate Programs are now open for application until April 24th. Applicants can complete the online registration on UM’s webpage http://www.umac.mo for the application of postgraduate studentship.

澳門大學將於2009/2010學年新增3個碩士學位課程, 包括工商管理學院“理學碩士學位課程 - 財務學”, 教授財務專業證書(包括CFA註冊財務分析師和CFP註冊財務策劃師)相關知識外, 將提升學生的研究能力。 教育學院“教育碩士學位課程 - 幼兒教育與人類發展”, 社會科學及人文學院“文學碩士學位課程 - 國際關係及公共政策”, 課程現正接受報名。


澳門大學新學年的碩士學位及學位後證書課程現接受網上報名, 截至四月廿四日。 有意申請研究生奬學金人士可登入澳大網頁 www.umac.mo 或填寫網上報名表及上載所需文件, 成功申請者可獲豁免繳交學費外, 每月將獲發七千五百澳門元津貼, 為期一至兩年。
