Thursday 28 May 2009

National Symphony Orchestra - Washington DC will perform in Macau this June 華盛頓國家交響樂團將會來澳門演出 (华盛顿国家交响乐团将会来澳门演出)

Pic Source : aikenperformingartsgroup

Founded in 1931, the National Symphony Orchestra of Washington DC (NSOW) will perform in Macau this June. The orchestra has long built a strong reputation as one of the world's finest orchestras.

The orchestra giving approximately 175 concerts a year. An artistic affiliate of the Kennedy Centre - North America's prime performing arts hub - for almost four decades, and with over 100 musicians, the NSOW tours the world's leading concert halls and festivals to consistently popular receptions by appreciative audiences.

This concert in Macau is led by Principal Conductor Iván Fischer. Conductor and NSOW share the Macau stage with Leonidas Kavakos - widely regarded as a violinist of rare virtuosity - to play Mendelssohn's 'Violin Concerto in E minor'. The orchestra will also perform Wagner's powerful 'Prelude to The Master Singers of Nuremberg' and Tchaikovsky's dramatic 'Symphony No. 5'.

Time: 9th June - 8:00 pm
Venue: Grand Auditorium, Macau Cultural Centre, Av. Xian Xing Hai, s/n, NAPE
Admission: MOP480, 350, 200, 100
Organizer: Macau Cultural Centre
Tel: 2870 0699

成立於1931年的華盛頓國家交響樂團(National Symphony Orchestra, Washington DC)將會來澳門演出, 此次來澳門表演將由首席客座指揮伊凡‧費沙(Iván Fischer)擔綱。

伊凡今次帶領樂團演奏華格納(Wagner)《紐倫堡的名歌手》前奏曲, 以及柴可夫斯基(Tchaikovsky)《第五交響曲》等樂曲。 樂團更聯同曾獲「西貝流士國際小提琴大賽」大獎的小提琴家里安列‧卡華高斯(Leonidas Kavakos), 演奏門德爾松(Mendelssohn)《E小調小提琴協奏曲》。

華盛頓國家交響樂團擁有龐大實力陣容, 與美國表演藝術重鎮「甘迺迪中心」合作近40年, 每年舉辦約175場音樂會, 經常穿梭世界各地的主要音樂廳和藝術節, 備受歡迎。

時間: 6月9日晚上8時
地點: 澳門文化中心綜合劇院 / 冼星海大馬路
票價: 澳門幣$480, 350, 200, 100
主辦: 澳門文化中心
電話: 2870 0699