Friday 19 June 2009

Macau plans free Citywide Wi-Fi Network 免費無線寬頻上網 (免费无线宽频上网)

The government of Macau initiated the “Wireless Broadband System” project, to offer the public wireless access at free cost. The first phase will entail the installation of Wi-Fi access points at 34 various locations including libraries, museums, parks and squares across Macau, estimate for completion at the end of 2009 or early 2010. Following that, an additional 48 locations including ports, Government service locations, activity centers, as well as additional parks and squares will be installed with Wi-Fi.

The Government is currently inviting qualified parties to bid for the public tender to provide a wireless broadband system.

While connectivity is free, users will need to register first to gain access. The Wireless network is expected to be up by early 2010.

澳門政府開展“無線寬頻系統”計劃, 首階段計劃將在在圖書館、博物館、部分大型公園及廣場等34個地點鋪設無線寬頻網絡接入點, 2010年初開始提供無線上網服務。

無線寬頻網絡初步構思為免費, 但市民和旅客使用前需先行登記。 下一階段並會在口岸、政府部份部門的接待公眾地方、活動中心等共48個地點鋪設接入點, 預計明年中前完成。 電信管理局估算兩階段建設費用約2千萬元。