Monday 27 July 2009

Belgium luxury jewellery brand 'Derain' opens new boutique at Venetian Macau 比利時鑽飾品牌 Derain 首家澳門專賣店隆重開幕 (比利时钻饰品牌 Derain 首家澳门专卖店隆重开幕)



World renowned Belgium jewellery brand 'Derain' has recently inaugurated their very first boutique in Macau, at the Venetian Grand Canal Shoppes. The new boutique is located amongst the world’s leading watch & jewelry brands. In recent years, Derain has positioned itself exceptionally well in the Chinese market.

While inside the boutique, it is set to showcase some of Derain's glamourous jewellery collections. This new boutique contains the most comprehensive collection and offering full range of Derain's products, with the objective to create a unique and high quality service experience for its customers.

作為比利時歷史最悠久的珠寶公司WOLFERS旗下之時尚鑽飾品牌, 戴儷爾首家澳門專賣店近日隆重開幕。 開幕日還特別邀請當紅模特熊黛林親臨現場為新店剪彩。

專賣店位於國際頂級奢侈品牌匯聚的澳門威尼斯人大運河購物中心, 品牌旨在提供品質卓越比利時極品美鑽及純正的比利時鑽飾文化。 顧客不僅可以享受到最優雅奢華的購物環境, 還可以找到戴儷爾全球同步發行的最新產品, 最經典的頂級鑽飾作品, 亦可找到品牌限量版奢華鑽飾。

由歐洲名師親手設計的戴儷爾澳門店, 力圖完美展現品牌崇尚的尊貴與愛的藝術氣質, 簡潔的外立面選用頂級天然石材, 主形象牆以比利時最著名的國寶 - 鑽石和巧克力為設計元素。 精心調適的燈光, 從錯層蜿蜒的天花中隱約滲透出來。