Thursday 9 July 2009

Macau ranks one of the top 20 in tourism 澳門旅遊業躋身世界20強 (澳门旅遊业跻身世界20强)

According to statistics published by the World Tourism Organisation (WTO), Macau is currently in 17th place in the world chart for tourism. The city registered over 13.6 billion US dollars in revenues in the tourism sector in 2008, rank behind Switzerland (14.4 billion US dollars) and ahead of Holland (13.4 US billion). WTO considers tourism revenues the amount of money spent by foreign visitors in accommodation, food and beverages, local transportation, entertainment and shopping.

Macau also occupies one of the main tourism markets in the world in 22nd place in the WTO ranking, with 10.6 million visitors coming to Macau in 2008.

根據世界旅遊業組織統計(WTO), 澳門旅遊業收入全球排名17位。 2008年旅遊業全年收入共136億美元, 排名在瑞士(144億美元)之後, 在荷蘭(134億美元)之前。 WTO定義在旅遊業收支金額包括外國訪客花費、食物、地方運輸、娛樂和購物。

澳門是全球其中一個主要旅遊市場, 2008年全年共有接近一千一百萬個訪客來到澳門, 全球排名第22。