Wednesday 15 July 2009

New dinosaur museum will be built at Macau Fisherman's Wharf 澳門漁人碼頭建恐龍化石館 (澳门渔人码头建恐龙化石馆)

The first ever themed entertainment attraction built in Macau - the Macau Fisherman's Wharf will commence its second phase construction soon. The project will invest no less than MOP $8billion. A 100,000 sq feet Dinosaur Museum - located right above the current convention and exhibition centre will also be built, with the support from dinosaur museum in China. Fossil Prevention Foundation in China is set to donate a string of fossils, learning and multimedia equipment to the Macau Fisherman's Wharf.

The company has submitted the blueprint for the second phase construction to the Macau government for approval. It will take sometime to conduct land reclamation and construction. The phase 2 project will combine entertainment, food, hotel and marina facilities in one place. One of the major change will be to demolish the artificial volcano structure. Tang City will be relocate to make way for a 200 rooms, 6 star Middle East theme "Ancient Empire Hotel" and other facilities. Restaurants will also be expanded, to include Korean, Indian and Hungarian food. These restaurants can be set up as early as in the next two or three months if the government approves the plan.

澳門漁人碼頭國際投資股份有限公司表示, 為切合市場需要將重組首期項目, 漁人碼頭主題公園將興建恐龍化石館。 擴建工程計劃已送特區政府審批。 “恐龍科學館”,將在會議展示中心樓頂增設, 佔地十萬呎, 投資約2億。 具有歷史價值的古生物、恐龍化石將搬往澳門。 館內設有化石基地及活動教室。

新的擴建工程包括建造近9萬平方米的恐龍化石館, 以及遊艇碼頭, 多媒體活動場地, 兒童樂園, 健康中心和增設酒店。 具標誌性的火山及唐城將拆卸, 改建成中東風格、200間客房的六星級古帝國酒店。 唐城將遷往二期重建。 羅馬鬥獸場將打造成全天候表演場地, 強化舞台設施, 增加活動式上蓋。 飲食方面將引入四個國家的美食, 包括韓國炭燒、印度和匈牙利美食等。 水上表演場將改裝成水上健身中心, 設有SPA及健身器材。 遊艇碼頭年底啟用, 設有20-30個泊位。 新停車場旁將增建具布拉格風格的四星酒店, 約有400間客房。

漁人碼頭主題公園第一期擴建和更改工程計劃, 投資約64億澳門元, 爭取24個月內完成。 第二期擴建工程預計屆時投資金額至少80億澳門元。