Wednesday 1 July 2009

Treasure Palace at the Boulevard 新濠大道喜迎樓 (新濠大道喜迎楼)


Pic Source : City of Dreams

Treasure Palace is renowned for its authentic Cantonese fare and novel alfresco dining options. From fresh seafood to exquisitely prepared dim sum, the talented culinary team lives to delight the palates of the most demanding gourmets. Home to an eclectic selection of organic and floral teas and master wines, the restaurant boasts gorgeous panoramic views and five spacious private functions rooms.

Operation Hours
Monday - Friday: 11:00am - 3:00pm, 6:00pm - 11:00pm
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday: 10:00am - 3:30pm, 6:00pm - 11:00pm

Location: Level 1, The Boulevard, City of Dreams
Tel: 8868 6636

「喜迎樓」以地道粵菜和新穎的戶外雅座而馳名。 名廚烹製的生猛海鮮, 精緻點心和合時菜式定能取悅各位美食鑒賞家。 「喜迎樓」有華麗的景致和五個寬敞的私人宴會室, 是上等有機花茶、醇香美酒之家。

星期一至五: 上午十一時至下午三時, 下午六時至晚上十一時
星期六、日及公眾假期: 上午十時至下午三時三十分, 下午六時至晚上十一時

位置: 新濠大道一樓
電話: 8868 6636