Sunday 23 August 2009

Chinese National Day Celebration - Sporting events and Cultural performances in Macau 澳門國慶體藝匯演 (澳门国庆体艺汇演)


The government of Macau has organised a cultural sporting event to celebrate the Chinese National Day. The National Day sports show will be held at the Macau Dome on the 1st October at 2pm. The event will feature sporting events and cultural performances from Macau and Hong Kong artists. But the focus will be on Hong Kong artists as they are well-known and more interesting for the public. There is also a special presentation by the Shaolin Monks.

Up to 5,000 tickets will go on sale from 23th August (max 4 tickets per person) and can be purchased at the Macau Stadium for MOP$200 (MOP$50 for Macau residences). The first 100 people to purchase tickets will receive a poster signed by the artists performing at the event.

The event is supported by the Macau Sports Development Board (IDM) and produced by Emperor Entertainment Group and TVB from Hong Kong.

“澳門特別行政區政府國慶體藝匯演”將於10月1日下午2時假澳門東亞運體育館舉行。 澳門體育發展局表示今次匯演以推動大衆體育為主題。 國慶體藝匯演將邀請港澳知名藝人和少林寺武僧, 表演歌曲、舞蹈及武術等項目。 今年“國慶體藝匯演”仍是星光熠熠, 有古巨基、容祖兒、蔡卓妍、胡杏兒、鄭希怡、鍾舒漫、陳偉霆、泳兒、小肥、黃宗澤、鄭嘉穎等。

5000門票將於8月23日上午9時起在澳門運動場售票處公開發售, 首一百名購票者每人均可獲出席之藝人親筆簽名海報一張。 門票每人限購四張, 每張二百澳門元, 持澳門合法居留證件者可以優惠價50元購買門票。 現場不設劃位, 先到先得的形式發售。

國慶體藝匯演由澳門政府主辦, 體育發展局承辦, 英皇娛樂集團及香港電視廣播有限公司為策劃機構。