Sunday 27 September 2009

2009 HUSH!! Full Band - 2009馬拉松搖滾音樂祭 (2009马拉松摇滚音乐祭)



“HUSH!! Full Band 2009” is proud to present its fifth edition on the 26th September, bringing to rock fans another exciting musical marathon.

With "Originals" being this year’s theme, the festival provided not only a stage for local bands exposure, but also a fabulous opportunity for Macau rock talents to exchange experiences with bands from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South East Asia.

The hottest annual rock festival captivates the audience with supreme drum beats and roaring waves, featuring this year the special guests Soler and Jun Kung. Coming from several Asian cities are the rocky J-Hoon & Nyco Maca+PG (Manila), the bursting Saint Loco (Jakarta), the punky Reflector (Beijing), the sparkled Tizzy Bac (Taipei) as well as the striking RubberBand (Hong Kong) to share their electrifying music.

Selected by audience in 2008, the three “Best Local Bands” Scamper, L.A.V.Y. and OnStage were participated in this year’s rock festival. These groups with other 8 local teams: Blademark, Cactus, Experience, Forget the G, OTO (Once Teen Ones), Paul Meng & Sin Andrew + Mandarin, Vibration and WhyOceans, show up their best skills on stage.

由澳門文化中心主辦, 澳門音樂力量製作、澳門可口可樂飲料有限公司為合作伙伴的澳門樂壇年度音樂盛會《HUSH!! Full Band馬拉松搖滾音樂祭2009》, 今年已是連續第五年在文化中心藝術廣場舉辦, 成為本地樂迷每年引頸以待的熱烈派對。 音樂會於9月26日下午二時至晚上十一時不間斷安排樂隊演出。 本著推動原創、帶動本地音樂發展理念的《HUSH!! Full Band馬拉松搖滾音樂祭》一直深受本地樂迷熱烈支持。

今年續以“原創”為主題, 多支本地樂隊及鄰近地區海外知名樂隊應邀坐陣, 應邀的東南亞地區及本地搖滾樂隊包括有:
J-Hoon & Nyco Maca+PG(馬尼拉)
Saint Loco(雅加達)
Tizzy Bac(台北)

於去年音樂祭獲全場觀眾選為“HUSH!!最人氣本地樂隊”並能參與本屆演出的L.A.V.Y.、OnStage及 Scamper 與今年經本地樂隊大召集中甄選中出來的刃記、Cactus、Experience、Forget the G、OTO (Once Teen Ones)、保羅明與冼安德魯加金桔、Vibration及WhyOceans同台較量。

澳門實力派音樂人Soler與恭碩良, 談及澳門搖滾樂壇情況時對不少本地樂隊演出給予好評, 認為衆多“本地薑”具實力及音樂才華, 惟澳門欠缺發揮的平台及機會。 Soler與恭碩良五年前為首屆搖滾音樂祭坐陣。