Friday, 4 September 2009

Macau Issues Commemorative Coins for the 10 year handover 澳門回歸十年紀念幣 (澳门回归十年纪念币)

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Macau SAR, the Monetary Authority of Macau issued a set of commemorative coins. The coins will have nominal values ranging between $10 and $250. The actual coin will cost between MOP$500 and MOP$3,500, depending on the onces of gold or silver on the coins.

On the front, the coin will feature the Statue of A-Ma which stands on Coloane Peak. On the back there will be a sculpture of the “Lotus Flower in Full Blossom” standing at the Lotus Square, which symbolises everlasting prosperity.

Subscriptions to the coin will be accepted between September 7 and September 18.

澳門金融管理局為慶祝澳門回歸10週年, 特別鑄造並發行一系列五款及一款套裝設計新穎、極富藝術美感的紀念幣。

紀念幣的面是矗立在澳門路環山頂的媽祖雕像。 寓意著傳說中庇護人們海上活動的媽祖神明, 保祐回歸後的澳門祥和穩定,欣欣向榮。 紀念幣背面是澳門金蓮花廣場的「盛世蓮花」金雕塑。

據悉, 回歸祖國十週年紀念幣2009年12月9日起將在澳門金融管理局、郵政局及各大銀行公開發售。 金融管理局將於9月7日-18日接受預訂回歸祖國十週年紀念幣。