Friday, 4 September 2009

Macau purposed to establish a science and technology award scheme 澳門擬設立科學獎 (澳门拟设立科学奖)

Starting from next year, the Government of Macau will reward the organizations or individuals who make great contribution to the research and development of science and technology.

The government has recently proposed to establish a science and technology award scheme. In this version of the award scheme, the science and technology award to be established includes the Scientific and Technological Invention Award, Excellent Scientific Research Award and Science and Technology R&D Award for Postgraduates. A price of MOP $1million can be awarded to the winners of the Scientific and Technological Invention Award.

This award will be open to all permanent residents of Macau or others who invented products, industrial techniques, materials and their systems by applying scientific and technological knowledge, or the invention concerned is advanced and innovative and able to generate certain economic or social benefits.

The Macau Science Centre, located on the reclaimed land on the waterfront, is plan to open in December 2009. The building will host a planetarium and a conference centre as well as a 7000 sq m of exhibition space split between 14 galleries aligned in sequence within a spiral structure.

澳門政府計劃明年起設立科學獎。 初步構思是設立三個大獎項, 提議每兩年頒發“自然科學奬”、“技術發明奬”及“科技進步奬”三大奬項, 獎勵對本澳科技事業有卓越貢獻的澳門市民。 奬勵評審委員會成員由特首委任, 可以是本澳或外地相關領域專家。 “自然科學”一等奬的奬金或可達到一百萬元, 另兩項“技術發明奬”及“科技進步奬”的一等奬提議是六十萬元及三十萬元。 除此之外科委會提議設立一項鼓勵年輕人參與研發的奬項“研究生科技研發奬”, 鼓勵本澳或外地來澳就讀學生參與科技研發, 評審則由科技發展基金負責。

對於澳門科學館的開幕籌備情況, 澳門科技委員會透露如無意外將計劃在十二月二十日或之前開幕。 澳門科學館興建三年,投資額三點三億元, 共設有十四個展廳, 其中的“太空館”、“機械人館”以及“天文館”是較先進的展館, 展品及設計意念具瞄頭。