Thursday 29 October 2009

City of Dreams Presents All Singers For TVB Anniversary Special 2009 新濠天地呈獻香港電視節目"翡翠歌星賀台慶2009" (新濠天地呈献香港电视节目"翡翠歌星贺台庆2009")

City of Dreams announced that Television Broadcast Limited (TVB), is to host its first ever anniversary celebration outside Hong Kong, at City of Dreams, providing Macau with a glamorous and star-filled night with almost a hundred artists and celebrities.

All Singers For TVB Anniversary 2009, the TVB 42nd anniversary celebration, takes place on October 30 at the Grand Hyatt Macau at City of Dreams. This year, the celebratory show honors the music history of Hong Kong from 1967 to 2009 in a salute to all music and singers in the past 42 years.

“City of Dreams promises to bring in the most spectacular and iconic entertainment Macau has ever seen and our collaboration with TVB for this upcoming extravaganza reinforces our pledge, to lead Macau into a new era of entertainment,” said Mr. Greg Hawkins, President of City of Dreams.

新濠天地隆重宣佈, 香港電視廣播有限公司(簡稱無綫電視)將於新濠天地舉行一年一度之翡翠歌星賀台慶, 這是無綫電視首次於香港以外地區舉辦是項盛大慶典, 可謂史無前例。

翡翠歌星賀台慶2009將於今年10月30日於新濠天地之澳門君悅酒店盛大舉行。 今年台慶的主題為「音樂旅程」, 整個慶典將重溫1967年至2009年過去42年的經典歌曲。

新濠天地之總裁賀堃先生表示:「新濠天地致力為澳門引進最精彩刺激的娛樂體驗, 今次與無綫電視攜手呈獻這個大型盛典, 再次引證新濠天地為極具代表性的娛樂熱點, 帶領澳門娛樂事業進入新紀元。 我們將貫徹宗旨, 繼續為澳門帶來激動人心的娛樂。」

鄭裕玲, 小肥, 王菀之, 王梓軒, 可嵐, 江若琳, 羽翹, 李蘊, 吳彤, 吳雨霏, 狄易達, 周柏豪, 周子揚, 泳兒,胡琳, 范萱蔚, 洪杰, 韋雄, 郭力行, 徐偉賢, 張繼聰, 陳奕迅, 陳柏宇, 梁俊軒, 鄭家維, 黃欣, 農夫, 鄭融, 鄧麗欣, 戴夢夢, 鍾舒漫, A-dAY, C All Star, Chita, FREEZE, G.E.M., HotCha, Kolor, Mr., Panda, RedNoon, RubberBand, Square, ToNick