Sunday, 18 October 2009

Macau Announces first phase of its Light Rail Project 澳門輕軌一期興建方案 (澳门轻轨一期兴建方案)

The Transport Infrastructure Office (GIT) has concluded the analysis on the study of the 1st phase of Macau's lightrail system on the 17th October.

The construction will start in 2010 and the light rails will be put into operation in 2014. The estimated construction cost for Phase 1 (changed from 23 to 21 stations) will put forward a MOP$7.5 billion total cost investment, which was initially proposed at MOP $4.2 billion in the 2007 optimisation plan. The two stations outside the Culture Centre and the government headquarters in Nam Van were removed from the plan, after taking into consideration the distance between each station, the space limitation, the need of commuting and also construction techniques. The increased cost is due to the current raw material prices increase, exchange rates, the passenger capacity upgrade and the adoption of underground tracks. Other complementary facilities such as car parks, bus inter-change stations or transport infrastructure are not included in the investment budget.

The line will run along the elevated guideways, but the section between Nam Van Lake and Sai Van Lake will be run underground. Ridership is predicted to be peak at 14000 passengers per hour by 2020.

澳門輕軌第一期興建方案原來的42億增加至75億, 較2007年的方案升幅接近8成。

輕軌一期興建方案共有21個站, 澳門區的站數為10個, 氹仔及路氹城區的站點數目則維持在11個。 考慮了未來對外及內部交通以及接駁世遺景點保育的關注, 南灣湖、西灣大橋將採用地底車站方式以及西灣湖、媽閣為地底站。 減少輕軌立交對南灣湖畔建築物景觀、綠化區域、古樹和地下設施的影響。 其餘17個站將全部為高架站。 考慮到站點間的距離、空間局限性、出行需要和施工技術等因素, 當局決定取消文化中心和政府總部外的站點, 以提高輕軌的整體效率。 其中關閘及媽閣站將計劃與輕軌二期連接。 關閘、媽閣、賽馬會及蓮花口岸屬於綜合交通轉換站。

輕軌系統預計於2014年投入運作 (若由明年下半年土建工程開始動工計算), 工期約為4年半。 預測輕軌系統由營運初期至2020年於尖峰時段每小時單方向載運量, 將由約8000人次上升至約14200百人次。