Friday 23 October 2009

The Philippines: Your Business Destination and Gateway to ASEAN seminar 菲律賓貿易及投資介紹會 (菲律宾贸易及投资介绍会)

The Philippines Department of Trade and Industry, Philippine Consulate-General in Macau and Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute jointly held "The Philippines: Your Business Destination and Gateway to ASEAN" seminar.

The Consul-General of the Philippines in Macau said that, through the participation in the activities of the MIF, it is hoped that the economic relationship of their country with Macau will be further straightened. During the seminar, a memorandum of understanding was signed between IPIM and the Department of Trade and Industry of the Philippines for the establishment of partnership between MIF and Manila F.A.M.E. to mutually fairs and conventions, as a mean to develop the MICE industry in both territories.

菲律賓貿易及產業部、菲律賓駐澳總領事館和澳門貿易投資促進局聯合主辦“菲律賓貿易及投資介紹會”, 菲律賓駐澳門總領事海姆•維克多•萊達表示, 通過參與 MIF及舉辦相關活動, 希望進一步擴大菲律賓與澳門的貿易關係。

會上, 澳門貿促局與菲律賓貿易及產業部簽定合作備忘錄, 澳門國際貿易投資展覽會與菲律賓馬尼拉同類展覽會結成夥伴展會, 共同推動雙方的展覽會, 促進兩地會展業發展。