Thursday 12 November 2009

9th Macau Food Festival 2009 第9屆澳門美食節 (第9届澳门美食节)

The 'Macau Food Festival', featuring food from around the world, will be held for 17 consecutive days in Sai Van Lake Square. Highlights include delicacies zones, namely Chinese, Asian, European, Local, Dessert and include teams from Malaysia and Taiwan. Look out for wonderful live music performances, game booths and rides.

Penang Malaysia Night Market
Ten well-known restaurants from Malaysia are bringing in their local gourmets to the Macau Food Festival.

Taiwan Night Market
An encore from last year, over ten famous restaurants from Taiwan will show up in Food Festival again.

Seven Food Zones
Hundred of local and overseas participants bring you a wide range of delicacies.

Four Thrill Rides
Exciting thrill rides let you play all around: Coffee Cup, Swing Chair, Bumper Car & Jumping Dolphin.

Game Booths
Win prizes with fun.

Live Performances
Attractive programs every night to enliven the carnival atmosphere.

Beer Competition
Contest of Speed vs Capacity: San Miguel - Nov. 13, 21 & 29; Blue Girl Beer - Nov.14, 22 & 27; Macau Beer - Nov. 15, 20 & 28.

Theme Nights
Different programs by sponsors to bring you special night shows.

Marvelous fireworks displays add a joyous atmosphere to Food Festival - Nov. 14, 18 & 22 at 9:00 p.m.

Date: 2009-11-13 to 2009-11-29
Time: 3:00AM - 11:55PM
Location: Sai Van Lake Square , Sai Van Lake Square
Opening hours - 5pm to 11pm (Mondays to Thursdays), 3pm to midnight (Fridays to Sundays)

第9屆澳門美食節將11月13日起, 一連17天在澳門旅遊塔前地西灣湖廣場舉行。 今屆首次有馬來西亞的食肆參加, 連同本地、臺灣及南韓的食肆。 大會今年將設置攤位逾百家 - 其中約20%為外地商號、80%為本地商號。 今屆澳門美食節共有106家商號參與。 83家本地商號、10家檳城商號、11家臺灣和2家韓國商號將在活動期間提供美食, 讓市民與遊客感受不一樣的美食文化。

除有《中式美食街》、《臺灣夜市》、《大中華美食街》、《亞洲美食街》、《歐陸美食街》、《風味美食街》、《甜品街》外, 亦邀請了馬來西亞檳城、臺灣及韓國三支外地參展隊伍進駐澳門美食節。 其中《馬來西亞檳城夜市》將譽滿檳城的馬拉菜、印度菜、沙嗲肉串、咖哩麵食、粿條、烤魷魚等地道美食呈現澳門, 讓遊客一飽口福, 盡享多地美食。

去年首現美食節的臺灣夜市屆將繼續受邀參與, 島內的“度小月”擔仔面、新竹海瑞貢丸、翔美雪花冰、傳香、周氏蝦卷等美食將再現美食節。

澳門旅遊局將連續三天放璀璨奪目的煙花助興。 大會特別引入各項大型機動遊戲, 再配合多個有獎攤位遊戲及每晚的精彩表演項目, 包括主題之夜及啤酒勁飲大賽, 主題之夜、民俗文化表演、流行歌手獻唱及樂隊演唱和魔術表演等。