Monday 30 November 2009

James Bond Hotel at Cotai Strip 澳博擬於路氹建四星級占士邦主題酒店 (澳博拟於路氹建四星级占士邦主题酒店)

SJM (Sociedade de Jogos de Macau) propose to build a four star James Bond theme hotel at the Cotai Strip. This move is to increase their market share in the Macau's gaming industry even further from the current 30%.

Currently the company owns two piece of lands at Cotai, the four star hotel will be built at one of these land, with an area of 10000 sq m.

澳門博彩股份有限公司表示, 公司擬於澳門路氹興建以占士邦為主題的四星級酒店, 望公司於市場佔有率於目前的三成再增多幾個百分點。 公司於路氹持有兩幅土地, 其中一幅約1萬方米的土地打算建一座四星級酒店, 而酒店設施將以邦女郎為主題。