Friday 20 November 2009

World’s Largest Water Show at City of Dreams Officially Named ‘The House of Dancing Water’ 新濠天地呈獻全球最大型之水上匯演 - 命名為「水舞間」 (新濠天地呈献全球最大型之水上汇演 - 命名为「水舞间」)

Franco Dragone - Video
* New permanent show called ‘The House of Dancing Water’, especially created for City of Dreams.

The House of Dancing Water


City of Dreams and Franco Dragone Entertainment Group announced that the world's largest sensational water-based permanent show, will be officially named 'The House of Dancing Water'.

The theatrical extravaganza will be housed in a purpose built, approximately 2,000-seat state-of-the-art Theater of Dreams designed by Pei Partnership. It contains one of the most impressive commercial pools in the world, holding approximately 3.7 million gallons, equivalent to more than five Olympic-sized swimming pools, and will be one of the largest water-based theaters in the world.

“I am proud to see our collaboration with Franco Dragone Entertainment Group to bring the world the largest water-based production ever staged. The „House of Dancing Water‟ will be an electrifying, permanent water-themed show in Macau, which draws creative inspiration from Chinese culture and is destined to be the most spectacular live production ever seen,” said Mr. Ho, Co-Chairman and CEO of Melco Crown Entertainment Limited.

World famous for its spectacular and imaginative productions including Le Rêve and Céline Dion‟s A New Day in Las Vegas, Franco Dragone Entertainment Group has been working on the concept and development of the sensational new Macau show for City of Dreams for almost four years.

With an intricate and intriguing storyline of storms and an amazing journey of rediscovery and redemption, the audience will be captivated by array of exotic performances including an international cast of acrobats, contortionists, dancers, motorcycle stuntmen, musicians, and specialist strap artists.

The production incorporates dazzling costuming, amazing audio and visual special affects, combined with awe inspiring sets produced by some of the world‟s most esteemed and inspired set designers. The approximately 77-strong casts of international performance artists and approximately 130 top production and technical members from more than 18 countries around the world take the audiences on a special sensory experience.

'The House of Dancing Water', due to launch in the first half of 2010, is set to become the most anticipated and talked about entertainment offering for every visitor to Macau.

新濠天地與Franco Dragone娛樂集團隆重宣佈, 全球最大型之水上匯演將正式命名為「水舞間」。 這個以水為題的大型滙演將長駐新濠天地, 並專為這個精彩刺激的都市綜合娛樂度假勝地度身訂造。

整個大型匯演將於可容納约2,000名觀眾的劇院「Theater of Dreams」公演,, 院由貝氏建築事務所特別建造, 内設全球最壯觀宏偉的商用泳池, 容量達约370萬加侖, 相當於五個奧林匹克標準泳池的容量, 氣勢磅礡, 將會是史上最大型的以水為題的劇院之一。

新濠博亞娛樂有限公司之聯席主席兼行政總裁何猷龍先生表示: 「本人感到非常高興, 新濠天地能夠與Franco Dragone娛樂集團合作, 攜手為亞洲呈獻這個大型水上匯演。 『水舞間』將會是澳門最激動人心的長駐水上滙演, 整個滙演的靈感源自中國文化, 勢必成為史上最精彩絕倫的現場表演。」

聞名世界的Franco Dragone娛樂集團繼在拉斯維加斯精心製作「Le Rêve」及由席琳‧迪翁(Céline Dion)主演之大型滙演「全新的一天」等精彩表演後, 以接近四年的時間為澳門新濠天地構思, 製作這個嶄新的大型滙演。

整個大型滙演的情節引人入勝、是一個充滿風暴、愛情,發人深省的奇妙旅程, 觀衆將被一連串充滿異域風情的故事深深吸引。 整個滙演由國際級的雜技演員、軟體演員、舞者、電單車特技人、音樂家以及專業帶藝演員隆重呈獻。

這部驚世之作將配以令人耳目一新的服飾及無比可擬的視聽效果。 整個舞台設計由極受全球推崇的舞台設計師團隊操刀; 表演團隊由來至多於全球18個國家約77個國際匯演演員、以及約130個製作和技術人員組成, 帶領觀衆體驗獨特超凡的感官之旅。

「水舞間」將於2010年上半年公演, 勢必成爲每位澳門遊客最為熱切期待及回味無窮的娛樂項目。