Tuesday 8 December 2009

Na Ying performs at the Venetian Macau 那英世界巡回演唱會澳門威尼斯人站 (那英世界巡回演唱会澳门威尼斯人站)



Pop Diva Na Ying, recognized as one of the best female singers in China.

Na Ying returned to the hearts and minds of her fans last year, when she performed at the closing ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. In 2002 Na Ying received the MTV Asia Award for “Favorite Artist Mainland China”, and yet despite her lengthy absence, she has continued to remain a favorite amongst the people in Mainland China.

The theme of her comeback tour, “The past 20 years of Na” will be packed with all her hit songs, as she celebrates the 20th anniversary of her music career.

Date : Saturday, 16th January 2010

Time : 8pm

Venue : CotaiArena™

Ticket Price : MOP$900, MOP$600, MOP$400, MOP$200

Language : Chinese

Book Tickets : Click Here

被譽為中國當今流行樂壇無出其右的那英, 去年終於盼到她重返樂壇, 她去年已率先於北京奧運閉幕式上再次現身。 其實早於2002年, 那英已奪得MTV Asia Award「內地最受歡迎女歌手」殊榮, 足証她的歌聲響徹神洲。 縱使她經過長時間休養生息, 仍無損她作為內地首席流行女歌手的地位。

日期 : 1月16日星期六

時間 : 晚上 8 時正

地點 : 威尼斯人綜合館

價格 : 澳門幣$1200, $800, $600, $400, $200

語言 : 中文

訂購門票 : Click Here