Tuesday 8 December 2009

UM Gateway Fall 2009 - 853 澳門大學Gateway錄像課程影片《家853》 (澳门大学Gateway录像课程影片《家853》)

Official blog: http://vcreate.mysinablog.com/

"853" is the work of 4th year students in the Gateway video production workshop, which was done by the Department of Communication in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Macau.

The story illustrates the lives of three main characters, including their choices, struggles, and successes.

The storys theme is close to us, as we face the same problems in our daily lives. We hope that it can resonate with you, and help you to reflect on your experiences.

"853" also focuses on the neighborhoods of Macau as its fourth character. People pass by us every day, but they all have their own stories to tell.


影片以年青人的故事為藍本, 利用三種不同手法去刻劃三個主角的背景、生活、內心的掙扎, 以及面對得失成敗時的抉擇。 我們希望透過較貼近的生活主題, 引起年青人的共鳴,並對生命作出反思。

《家853》除了把年輕世代生活上的矛盾投射在各個角色身上, 也著重表達「澳門街」的特色──人多車多的小城, 充滿著各式各樣的人生故事。