Saturday 9 January 2010

Celebrates Year of Tiger at the Boulevard

Vivienne Westwood Chinese New Year Special Edition Jewellery
Vivienne Westwood launches her first Chinese New Year Special Edition Jewellery featuring Goldfish and Tiger – both of which are lucky symbols in Chinese culture. Goldfish symbolizes fortune and wealth while tiger is a representation of liveliness and an auspicious symbol for the Year of the Tiger.

Vivienne Westwood
Level 1, The Boulevard

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Celebrates Year of the Tiger
Chow Tai Fook ushers in the Year of the Tiger with the brand new “Year of the Tiger” Pure Gold Collection. This collection of jewellery and figurines highlights the supreme quality and craftsmanship of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery, and will certainly make a perfect gift for yourself or your loved ones.

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery
Level 2, The Boulevard

Vivienne Westwood首推農曆新年特別版首飾
Vivienne Westwood首次為中國農曆新年推出特別版首飾系列, 以代表「如意吉祥」、「年年有餘」的金魚及寓意「虎虎生威」的老虎為創作主題, 感覺玩味十足, 可愛討喜。

Vivienne Westwood

庚寅虎年即將來臨,周大福率先呈獻「虎年足金生肖飾品」, 祝福客人新一年豐盛富足, 福樂連連。 多款全新首飾擺件以足金鑄造, 秉承一貫卓越品質, 工藝精湛獨特, 更有助增強運勢, 送禮或自用皆稱心滿意。
