Thursday 21 January 2010

First rare Car Number Plates auction in 2010 澳門開投特別車牌 (澳门开投特别车牌)

The department of Transportation in Macau raised more than MOP$4 million at a rare number plate auction through the sale of 139 rare car number plates, during the session which was held on 21st January. The auction attracted huge number of bidders whose number exceeded 595; which has reflected positively on the success of the event.

Among the car plates spanning 4 different categories, the MO28-28 plate was the highest achiever, going under the hammer for MOP$380,000. MO33-88 was a close second at MOP$240,000, while the other plates like MO22-22, MO33-33, MO19-99, MO33-66 and MO33-66, all went for more than MOP$100,000 each. Category A comprised 2 plates, while there were 7 plates for category B, 23 plates for category C, whereas category D was the highest on offer with 107 licensing plates.

澳門2010年第1次汽車特別車牌競投1月20日‎開標, 當中不少車牌都以超過十萬元成交。 交通局是次推出的車牌為MO字頭, 競投共開投139個車牌合共收到595份標書, 為庫房進帳454萬多元。 競價最高的車牌是特別號碼MO28-28, 中標價近38萬澳門元, 起底價8萬元, 足足比底價高出了四倍多。 另外有18個車牌無人競投需要收回。


A組兩個車牌MO22-22收到2份標書, 以23萬9千多元投得; MO33-33收到9份標書, 出價最高為21萬9千多元。 B組的7個車牌收到7份標書, 競投其中4個, 其中MO28-28收到3份標書, 有人出價37萬8888元, 成為全場最高承投價。 C組23個車牌共收到21份標書競投其中11個車牌, 其中MO18-18及MO19-99最受歡迎, 分別收到5份標書, 最後分別以7萬元及10萬1000投得。 好意頭的MO33-88及MO33-66同樣以接近24萬及16萬成為競投的囊中之物。 底價最低的D組車牌數量最多, 共有107個, 共收到551份標書競投其中104個車牌, 最多人落標的是MO33-66, 收到15份標書, 最後以出價最高的16萬元成交, 高出底價13倍多, 是D組車牌最高的承投價。 另外,MO20-00、MO30-30、MO33-38、MO39-99亦分別收到13份標書。