Thursday 21 January 2010

Macau as 20th Freest Economy in the World 全球經濟自由度澳門躋身前20 (全球经济自由度澳门跻身前20)


The Heritage Foundation has released the 2010 Report on the Index of Economic Freedom. The Foundation’s 2010 Report says that Macau, as a free port, has long been benefitting from global trade and investment. The overall entrepreneurial environment incorporates high efficiency and low-tax, while property rights are well respected. Foreign investors can conduct business on the same terms as locals. Sound regulatory regime assures free flows of financial resources. Since the open-up of the gaming industry in 2002, Macau has attracted more foreign investors, spurring tourism and overall consumption. Other areas of growth include finance, insurance, and real estate.

Macau’s overall score has improved slightly by 0.5 from a year earlier to 72.5, making it the 20th freest among 179 economies worldwide, up one place from the year before. Macau is ranked 6th in the Asia-Pacific region while its overall score is well above the world and regional averages.

The study covers economies in different regions across the world, which have been assessed with 10 factors of economic freedom. Macau ranks relatively high in factors such as trade freedom, investment freedom, fiscal freedom, monetary freedom and financial freedom.

《華爾街日報》及美國傳統基金會發表2010年全球經濟自由度指數, 澳門躋身前20位, 屬于「較為自由」級別。 報告認為澳門公共財政繼續錄得盈余, 令澳門政府能夠輕松應對全球金融危機及推出援助措施。 報告宣稱澳門作為一個自由港, 一直受惠於全球貿易及投資。 澳門整體營商環境效率高、稅率低及尊重產權; 外國投資者與本地商界人士一樣, 從事商業活動均具有同等待遇; 穩健的監管機制則確保了金融資源的自由流動。 自2002年博彩業開放後澳門吸引更多外國投資者, 並刺激旅遊業和整體消費。 其他增長領域包括金融, 保險及房地產等。

該項數據指在全球179個經濟體中澳門名列20位, 較去年晉升一級; 總體評分較去年輕微上升0.5分至72.5分, 在亞太地區41個國家和地區中排名第6。 總體評分明顯較世界及區內平均為高。 這項研究涵蓋全球不同地區的經濟體, 並對10項經濟自由領域進行評估。 澳門在10項經濟自由度評分中以政府開支一項得分最高, 遠高于全球平均分, 僅次于緬甸和新加坡名列全球第3。 澳門排名較高的領域包括有貿易自由度、投資自由度、財政自由度、貨幣自由度及金融自由度等。

經濟自由度指數是由《華爾街日報》和美國傳統基金會發布的年度報告。 涵蓋全球155個國家和地區, 是全球權威的經濟自由度評價指標之一。