Friday 5 February 2010

Procession of the Passion of Our Lord 苦難耶穌聖像巡遊 (苦难耶稣圣像巡遊)


The unique event known as the 'Procession of the Passion of Our Lord, the God Jesus' is a celebration of long standing in Macau, and dates back to the missionaries in and around the territory from the 16th Century. Christians in Macau participate in a solemn procession through the streets in a re-enactment of Jesus carrying the cross to his crucifixion. Starting at St. Augustine's Church, a figure of Christ bearing the cross is carried in procession to the Cathedral, where it is left during an overnight vigil before being returned to St. Augustine's Church the following day.

Time: 7:00 pm (20 Feb); 4:00 pm (21 Feb)

苦難耶穌聖像巡遊是天主教每年一度的重要紀念儀式, 自16世紀設立澳門教區以來便一直繼承著這個傳統。 苦難耶穌聖像現存放在聖奧斯定堂, 於每年四旬期舉行巡遊, 從不間斷。

第一天下午先後在聖奧斯定堂舉行粵語及葡語彌撒, 晚上7時開始聖像巡遊, 最後將聖像送到主教座堂接受祝禱, 第二天送回聖奧斯定教堂。 整個巡遊途經世界遺產「澳門歷史城區」的不同古蹟, 如議事亭前地、玫瑰堂、聖老楞佐堂等, 參加者可同時遊覽這些景點。

時間: 2月20日晚上7時, 2月21日下午4時