Saturday 27 February 2010

Spicy Up with Temptations' Hot and Spicy Buffet and Sensation's - Tantalising Hot Hunan Cuisine 星際酒店品味坊特別推出「熱辣辣驅寒迎春」特色主題自助餐


StarWorld has spiced things up this March with Temptations 'Hot and Spicy buffet' featuring fiery dishes that are guaranteed to satisfy all sizzling appetites. Look forward to tempting choices including Ox Tripe with Szechuan Pepper, Spicy Chicken with Cucumber, Korean Spicy Beef Salad with Grass Noodles, Braised Pork with Szechuan Spices, Steamed Fish Head with Special Chili, Stir-Fried Hunan Vegetable with Air-Dried Meat, Korean Barbeque Spare Ribs, Fried Rice with Kimchi, Black Pepper Strawberry Tart and Rosemary and Szechuan Pepper Pineapple, along with a vast array of curries including Srilankan Curry, Japanese Curry, Indian Curry and Thai Curry at the Live Curry Counter during lunch and dinner. Guests are invited to try our hottest spicy 'Stir-Fried Chicken with Pepper', which is guaranteed to set your taste buds aflame. Live oysters will also be served and opened in front of guests by our chef during the dinner period. In addition, Spice Marinated Mango Chocolate Cake will be the mouthwatering dessert the month.

Opening Hours: 7am - 10pm

More than that, Sensations will be offering Spicy Hot Hunan specialities such as Stir-fried Cured Meat with Lettuce Stem, Wok-fried Pork Belly with Red Chilli and Garlic, Stir-fried Julienne of Pork, Chicken and Pork Tripe with Chilli and Red Ginger, Seared Frog with Chilli and Bamboo Shoots in Casserole, Seared Mandarin Fish with Pickled Chilli and Bean Sprouts, Sautéed Diced Chicken with Pickled String Beans and Chilli, Braised Pork Intestine with Duck Blood, Soy Bean Sprouts, Garlic in Spicy Chilli Oil, Pan-fried Green Chilli Pepper and Wong Lo Kat Herbal Tea.

Opening Hours: 24 hours a day


品味坊的歐陸西餐及自助餐一向深受顧客愛戴, 為您提供一個共聚天倫或與好友把酒言歡的好地方。 三月份將特別推出「熱辣辣驅寒迎春」特色主題自助餐, 提供多款辛辣美味的菜式, 刺激您的味蕾, 為您驅寒送暖, 包括有四川麻辣牛肚、湖南香辣雞絲涼伴青瓜、韓國辣牛肉伴粉絲、四川香辣回鍋肉、湖南椒蒸魚雲、湖南鍋筍炒臘肉、韓國烤燒排骨、韓國泡菜炒飯、黑椒士多啤梨撻、露絲瑪莉川椒菠蘿等多款精緻美食全日無限量供應, 並設有辣味醃漬芒果朱古力蛋糕作主打甜品, 讓您投入最辣美味國度! 除此之外品味坊更為愛辣的您炮製十級特辣的「四川辣子雞丁」挑戰您的味蕾。 另外更有斯里蘭卡咖咖喱、日式咖喱、泰國咖喱及印度咖喱即席咖喱烹調全日為您獻上, 而晚餐時段提供大廚為您即開生蠔, 保證鮮味無比。


另外, 珍味館三月將推出火辣湘菜菜譜, 包括窩?炒湖南腊肉、湖南農家小炒肉、雪里紅炒三絲、麻辣田雞煲、乾燒桂花鱸魚、酸豆角宮保雞丁、毛血旺、虎皮尖辣椒、王老吉涼茶等等, 為您在這個冬季送上洋洋暖意。
