Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Bryan Berg breaks his own Guinness World Record at The Venetian 世界最大型撲克牌建築物澳門誕生 (世界最大型撲克牌建築物澳门诞生)

House of Cards

Bryan Berg of the U.S. poses at his creation of the replica of The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, as he breaks his own Guinness World Record for the largest house of Freestanding playing cards at The Venetian Macau.

Bryan used 218,792 playing cards to build a replica of The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel during the 44 day project. The final composition is 35 feet long, 10 feet tall and weight 272kg.

美國建築師 Bryan Berg 在澳門砌出世界最大型的撲克牌建築,刷新自己保持的健力士世界紀錄。 要挑戰這項世界紀錄絕不容易,除了不准用膠水和膠紙鞏固建築結構外,在製成品展覽十天後,還要將它推倒作實。

Bryan Berg 用了四千零五十一副撲克牌,接近二十二萬張撲克牌,砌出澳門三座著名建築物。整個撲克牌建築長十米、闊三米,重量達二百七十二公斤。

Pic Source : Reuters
