Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Macau Tatler Ball 2010 第二屆“Macau Tatler”周年舞會 (第二届“Macau Tatler”周年舞会)


Following the overwhelming success of last year's inaugural Macau Tatler Ball, the annual gala returns to the Four Seasons Hotel at the Plaza Macao.

The evening's theme was Gallery of Glamour and commenced at the Tatler Lounge, where guests sipped champagne and posed for photos for local media as well as Tatler's own photographers. They were welcomed by the chairman of the Edipresse Group, Pierre Lamuniere, Edipresse Asia CEO and Macau Tatler publisher Barrie C Goodridge and Edipresse Asia's director of editorial, PR and strategy, Olivia Lee-Davies.

After the cake-cutting ceremony, guests headed to the Lotus Ballroom, which was lavishly decorated to evoke the glamour of the world's most prestigious art galleries. The night's entertainment included a wine parade by The Macallan and a rousing performance by the performers from the Venetian Macao.

As with any Tatler event, the evening's highlight was the awards ceremony, with Pansy Ho receiving the Diamond Award, Francis Leong as Most Promising Entrepreneur and Most Stylish Lady award to Florinda Ho.

第二屆“Macau Tatler”周年舞會假四季酒店舉行。

是次舞會以 Gallery of Glamour 為主題,盛裝出席的名人嘉賓入場後,紛紛站在 Macau Tatler 佈景前拍照留影。博施出版集團主席 Pierre Lamuniere 、博施出版集團亞太區行政總裁兼該雜誌出版人高誠梓、編輯及公關策劃總監戴李桂蘭親自迎迓嘉賓。

切蛋糕儀式後,一衆嘉賓移駕到宴會廳。現場準備了大型電視屏幕播放該雜誌一年來的活動照片。現場還舉行一項頒奬典禮,分別由何超瓊奪得鑽石成就奬、 Francis Leong 奪得最有前途企業家奬、何超雲奪得最時尚女性奬。