Tuesday 28 October 2008

8th Macau Food Festival 第八屆澳門美食節 (第八届澳门美食节)

This year the 8th Macau Food Festival will begin from 7 Nov to 23 Nov. The 17 days festival features over 100 food stalls, including some of the famous restaurants in Macau which will set up their stalls at the Sai Van Lake Square. Visitors will have a chance to enjoy food from different parts of the world.

Seven main themed zones which providing different styles of food include Chinese, Greater China, Asian, European, Local, Dessert and the new Taiwan Night Bazaar, providing delicacies from different regions. In addition, visitors can catch live music performances, game booths, kiddy rides and other special activities at the festival.

Following the past years, the Macau Grand Prix Race will be held during the festival.

Date: Nov 7 - 23, 2008
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Mondays to Thursdays); 3:00 p.m. to midnight (Fridays to Sundays)
Venue: Sai Van Lake Square

一年一度的澳門美食節匯聚各地美食, 今年一連17天在西灣湖廣場舉行。 美食節除了匯聚澳門及國內外近百著名飲食商號外, 今年將邀請台灣約20家特色老店登陸美食節以及邀請更多不同地方的特色商號參與。 此外還有鼓樂為主的表演, 各款有獎攤位遊戲, 4款大型機動遊戲「瘋狂飛天椅」、「碰碰車」、「旋轉小蜜蜂」、「海豚跳」, 以及每晚精彩表演項目包括澳門及少數民族精湛歌舞等。

美食節特設逾百個攤位。 分為七大美食區, 除了「中式美食街」、「大中華美食街」、「亞洲美食街」、「歐陸美食街」、「風味美食街」及「甜品街」,更有新增的「台灣美食街」 - 把台灣特色美食帶進澳門, 為居民及遊客提供輕鬆品嘗最地道、最傳統台灣特色美食。

澳門美食節並結合“第55屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車”進行, 為居民及遊客提供更多元化、集消閒娛樂於一身精彩嘉年華活動。

日期: 2008年11月07日至23日
時間: 星期一至四下午5時至晚上11時, 星期五至日下午3時至凌晨12時
地點: 澳門旅遊塔前地西灣湖廣場

