Saturday 21 March 2009

Wireless internet access in Macau 澳門短期推全城無線上網方案 (澳门短期推全城无线上网方案)

Macau is now proposing to build a high-speed wireless broadband network covering the whole city. The plan will be announce shortly. Recently, a seminar was held by the Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation and Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center, to teach everyone the basic knowledge about wireless internet technologies and wireless network securities.

為配合城市的急速發展, 會議展覽業及商務旅遊業日益蓬勃對資訊科技配套的需求不斷增加。 澳門當局現正草擬全城無線上網方案, 並將在短期內公佈計劃。 澳門電訊管理局資訊科技發展處已委託顧問公司就全城無線上網服務所使用的方法以及模式進行研究。 另外, 電訊管理局聯同生產力暨科技轉移中心舉辦使用無線網絡推廣會, 向市民介紹無線上網的技術以及網絡保安知識。