Monday 13 July 2009

Hennessy X.O Iridescence Exclusive Collection launched at City of Dreams 新濠天地軒尼斯試酒會 (新濠天地轩尼斯试酒会)

Hennessy X.O Iridescence

City of Dreams presented the launch of Hennessy X.O Iridescence Exclusive Collection in Macau on July 9, 2009. The 8th generation of the prestigious Hennessy family - Mr. Maurice-Richard visited City of Dreams on the day, to share with VIP connoisseurs the secrets of his sophisticated Cognac. He was also invited to become an honorary City of Dreams Ambassador - representing luxury and lifestyle.

A special launch event was held at Horizons at Crown Towers, Mr. Hennessy presented City of Dreams with the Hennessy X.O Iridescence Exclusive Collection, complete with the autograph of Mr. Hennessy. It will be showcased at Crown's signature restaurant, Horizons.

新濠天地日前透過舉行試酒會, 邀請來自尊貴軒尼斯家族第八代繼承人 - Maurice Richard Hennessy, 與一眾貴賓鑑賞及分享軒尼詩醇厚干邑的箇中奧秘, 以及向各界介紹軒尼斯X.O獨家珍藏版 - 干邑中的極品Iridescence。

Mr. Hennessy現為世界頂級干邑王國軒尼詩之國際品牌大使, 擅於鑑賞美酒佳釀, 獲邀擔任新濠天地榮譽大使, 成為奢華時尚品味的象徵。

新濠天地表示希望借助 Maurice Richard Hennessy 知名度, 宣傳新濠天地至全球各地。 Maurice Richard Hennessy 贈送附上其親筆簽名的軒尼詩X.O最新的珍藏版Iridescence予新濠天地, 將於皇冠度假酒店三樓尚雅坊餐廳展示。 軒尼詩X.O特別為“Iridescence”的瓶身上綴以82顆施華洛世奇(Swarovski)銀色人造水晶。 品牌的VSOP口味較淡, 主要銷售予喜歡飲烈酒的年輕人。