Monday 13 July 2009

Merger of ICBC and Seng Heng Bank 工商銀行澳門分行與誠興銀行合併 (工商银行澳门分行与诚兴银行合併)


The government of Macau has approved the merger between the Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and Seng Heng Bank in Macau, which was owned by gaming magnate Stanley Ho.

The Seng Heng Bank will change its name to ICBC from 11st July. The bank was also allowed to increase its capital to more than MOP$280 million (35.4 million US dollars).

Seng Heng Bank was established in 1972, acquired by Ho's company STDM in 1989. ICBC gained an 80 percent stake in the bank in 2007.

中國工商銀行澳門分行由7月11日起, 與澳門誠興銀行股份有限公司合併, 改名為中國工商銀行(澳門)股份有限公司。

澳門誠興銀行股份有限公司增加其公司資本額, 由澳門幣1.5億元增至澳門幣2.821億元。 新增資本額由中國工商銀行股份有限公司全數認購, 以現金及中國工商銀行股份有限公司澳門分行的全部凈資產繳付。 中國工商銀行澳門分行業務上的一切權力及義務, 將轉移至澳門誠興銀行股份有限公司。

誠興銀行在1972年註冊成立。 澳門旅遊娛樂有限公司1989年收購誠興銀行, 成為澳娛全資附屬公司。