Playboy Enterprises has set to build its casino within the Macau Studio City Complex. According to Christie Hefner, the firm’s chairwoman and chief executive - and daughter of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner - told analysts the company is going to develop Playboy casinos in Macau and London, “the two markets that have the most inherent interest to us,” according to a recording of her comments. “These are very large deals,” she said.
She told an interviewer later that “we’re doing a half-dozen big facilities in places like London and Macau.”
Playboy Enterprises currently has no casinos, but a Playboy complex with a casino, nightclub, store, lounge is set to open soon at Macau Studio City. “Macau would be phenomenal market for them to open a casino in,” said Robert Routh, a media analyst who follows Playboy for brokerage Jeffries & Co in New York. Playboy’s interest in Macau is fueled by the boom in Chinese tourist traffic and bring the company desire to get in on the bonanza.
Gaming analyst David Leibowitz of Burnham Securities in New York, who recently traveled to Macau, agreed. “The potential for reward appears to be quite large. Macau today is as fine a venue for gaming as exists.”
The Playboy Mansion at Cotai Strip will be a 40,000 square-foot entertainment destination that will include a Hugh M. Hefner Villa for overnight stays.
自1991年馬尼拉的花花公子俱樂部關閉以后, 花花公子公司計劃在海外首站 - 澳門建造紙醉金迷的花花公子豪門 -(Playboy Mansion Macao)計劃在2009年開張, 室內面積為3600平方米 (大樓將是在拉斯維加斯夜總會面積的兩倍, 佔地四萬平方呎),有游泳池和酒窖,餐廳,以及數十張賭桌配有衣著暴露的兔女郎服務,一個拉斯維加式的飯店。
Source :
Playboy in Macau
Source :
Playboy to Open Entertainment Complex in Macau
Source: ClipSyndicate
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Playboy eyes on Macau 花花公子澳門項目 (花花公子澳门项目)
Labels: Cotai Strip, Playboy, Studio City, USA and Macau, Videos
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