Thursday, 24 April 2008

2008 Macau International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition 澳門國際環保合作發展論壇及展覽 (澳门国际环保合作发展论坛及展览)

This year Macau International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition will be held at the Venetian Convention and Exhibition Center, hosted by the Macau SAR. The aim is to position Macau as a regional platform for environmental protection industries, with specific interests to facilitate co-operations between European environmental protection companies and various provinces of Mainland China.

The forum will be last for two days from 23rd until 24th April, and the forum theme for this year is 'Water, Energy and Sustainable Development'. Forum Topics include International Co-operation, Energy Saving & Emission Reduction, Efficient Use and Treatment of Water, Intelligent/ Eco City and Sustainable Transportation.

由澳門政府主辦的“二00八年澳門國際環保合作發展論壇及展覽(MIECF)”于4月23-24日在澳門舉行,今日在澳門威尼斯人會展中心揭幕, 展覽為期三天。本次論壇主題為“水、能源與可持續發展”。大會邀請了來自18個國家及地區, 59位演講嘉賓,以及來自葡萄牙、芬蘭以及瑞典等國家共一百六十余家單位及企業參展商在佔地約七千平方米展覽場館展出最新的環保技術和產品, 並將就“國際合作議程”、“節能減排”、“水資源有效利用及處理”、“清潔生產”等主題進行闡述。澳門貿易投資促進局已接獲洽談項目包括污水及污泥處理、廢物回收利用、工業及工程廢料處理、垃圾處理等。在環保產業展覽上, 有26家澳門企業與政府部門, 164家機構與企業前來參展。