Monday, 21 April 2008

FU HO AH YUNG Abalone Restaurant: at Rio Hotel and Casino 利澳酒店富豪阿翁鮑魚酒家 (利澳酒店富豪阿翁鲍鱼酒家)

FU HO AH YUNG Abalone Restaurant - renowned for its exquisite abalone cooking expertise in Hong Kong and Macau. The restaurant offers wide range of delectable Chinese flavors such as abalone, shark fin, bird nest and seafood. Furnished VIP rooms and multi-functional ballrooms can be used for different occasions to suit all the guests need.

Address : Rio Hotel and Casino, Rua Luis Gonzaga Gomes, Macau
Tel : 28718 718

世界知名頂級食府富豪阿翁鮑魚酒家, 至尊鮑魚美食及各式中菜一應俱全。 馳名至尊鮑魚、魚翅、燕窩及高級海鮮美食。 廚師以不同烹調方法為客人提供各式珍品佳肴、巧手粵菜及名茶美點。 酒家設有多間貴賓房及多功能宴會廳, 可同時容納112人的豪華大廳及9間貴賓房, 可舉行不同類型的宴會。

地址: 新口岸高美士街33號利澳酒店3樓
電話: 28700328