Friday, 25 April 2008

Marriott Vacation Club International acquires the Buckingham 萬豪國際度假會斥資2.5億元購入氹仔皇族 (万豪国际度假会斥资2.5亿元购入氹仔皇族)

The Buckingham, a project located at Taipa, recently struck an institutional deal with a Luxury hotel group - Marriott Vacation Club International which has agreed to purchase 5 consecutive floors comprising 30 units of the property. Marriott Vacation Club International will be turned into timeshare vacation homes for its members.

"It is the first time for a hotel chain to buy flats (in Macau) and rent them out to club members as short-term holiday homes", said Jeff Wong, head of residential sales at Jones Lang LaSalle.

由偉興發展的澳門6星級高尚住宅皇族錄大手成交。 市場消息稱萬豪國際度假會斥資2.5億元購入皇族5層共30伙單位, 平均呎價約5,000元。

而皇族特色單位方面, 有投資者積極出價洽購, 出價至逾1萬元。 發展商指面積約3,800平方呎的複式單位意向呎價約1.3萬至1.5萬元。 該盤尚有來自日本及內地的資金進行洽購, 涉及約1層單位。 現時該盤售出約100伙, 佔整體單位一半, 平均呎價約6,000元, 套現約8億至9億元, 料項目總值約18億元。

皇族樓高50層, 共提供196個單位 (包括184個標準單位, 9個複式單位及3個頂層單位。 單位面積約1,000至5,000平方呎不等, 屋苑自備佔地約3萬平方呎會所)。