Thursday, 31 July 2008

Lisboa Hotel Redevelopments - International Architectural Design Competition 葡京酒店娛樂場重建項目設計比賽 (葡京酒店娱乐场重建项目设计比赛)

The Lisboa Hotel - one of the most famous landmark in Macau, was announced to redevelop once earlier this year. There was an international architectural design competition launched by SJM to select a new design and replace with the Lisboa Hotel. Six architectural companies with a total of twelve redevelopment project proposals since were selected on the first round. Architects will present their proposals and only three will select to move on to the next round of the redevelopment plan on the 4th August.

The objective and the idea of this redevelopment project is to produce a design landmark that represents SJM and the energetic, innovative character of Macau. The redevelopment project proposals will display to the public for five days until 3rd August (Opening Hours - 10:30am to 5:30pm) in the Grand Ballroom of the Grand Lisboa.

The selected six architectural companies are :
* Progetto CMR (Italy)
* Dennis Lau and Ng Chun Man Architects and Engineers (Hong Kong, same architect for the design of Grand Lisboa)
* Steelman Architecture Asia (USA, same architect for the design of the Venetian, the Sands and the Four Seasons)
* Leigh & Orange Limited (Hong Kong)
* Simon Kwan & Associates Limited (Hong Kong)
* Paul Andreu Architect Paris (France)

日前澳博宣佈重建葡京酒店現址, 但重建將會保留具有特色建築的“雀籠”部分。 重建概念是要求每一家參賽建築公司設計一個代表澳博和澳門幹勁, 創新特質, 具有代表性的地標建築。 重建項目設計比賽向國際徵集設計方案。 第一階段評審選出由專業評審團挑選的6家公司, 包括3家香港公司和來自義大利、美國、法國的公司12件作品, 建築師將於8月4日向評審團詳細闡述參賽作品的設計理念及方案, 評審團將選擇三家建築公司進入第二階段評審。 工程預計2009年展開,2012年建成。

葡京酒店娛樂場重建項目設計比賽於今年4月展開, 比賽作品展在7月30日舉行開幕儀式, 比賽作品從7月30日至8月3日一連五天上午10時半至下午5時半在新葡京宴會廳免費公開。

Pic Source : Macau Daily



Pic Source : CyberCTM



