Saturday, 26 July 2008

Macau Beer 澳門啤酒 (澳门啤酒)


One of the most famous local beer here in Macau - the "Macau Beer" is a fully refreshing pale lager made in Macau, but the beer is not marketed as a Chinese Beer. Recently the the Macau Government Tourist Office has tapped the resources of Aladdin Beverage, the North American importer of Macau Beer, to help promote Macau as a travel and tourism destination.

The beer was founded by an American Entrepreneur in Macau in 1997. Equipments that used to produce the beer are imported from Portland Oregon and the ingredients are imported from Australia. It is brewed using advanced Japanese brewing technology. One of the differnet between Macau beer and Chinese beer - Macau Beer doesnt use formaldehyde as a preservative. It is a real unique beer that is accepted by Chinese and non-Asian and the beer is recently begin to sell in many parts of USA, and further expanded across the country.

雖然澳門很小, 但也產酒 - "澳門啤酒"。 啤酒製造過程以至入樽, 都是在澳門選用最新科技釀製成的。 蛇麻草及麥芽是從澳大利亞進口的。 機器是從美國Oregon州Portland城市進口的。 防腐過程和歐洲及美國啤酒的防腐過程是一模一樣的。

澳門啤酒1996年在澳門設立, 2002年時被麒麟啤酒厰收購。 澳門客由原來只佔一成, 升至五成。 一般酒吧或便利店均有發售。 澳門啤酒還是美國發展最迅速的中國啤酒, 銷售到美國的20個不同的市場地區。