Sunday, 20 July 2008

"The Sound of Music" heads to Macau 百老匯音樂劇《仙樂飄飄處處聞》澳門演出 (百老汇音乐剧《仙乐飘飘处处闻》澳门演出)

The most popular movie musical in cinematic history, five-Oscar winning motion picture 'The Sound of Music' will head to Macau in this coming August. 'The Sound of Music'

'The Sound of Music' toured China for the first time in 2004, the show received with the same rapturous applause as Hong Kong the previous year with its all-American cast, beautifully crafted stage sets and live orchestra to delight audiences.

Time: 8:00 p.m.
Venue: Grand Auditorium, Macau Cultural Centre, Av. Xian Xing Hai, s/n, NAPE
Admission: MOP$480, 350, 200, 100
Organizer: Macau Cultural Centre
Telephone enquiries: 2870 0699
Duration: Approx. 2 hour 30 minutes (including 15 minutes intermission)
Performed in English (with Chinese, English and Portuguese subtitles). Best for those aged 3 and above

全球最受歡迎的音樂劇之一《仙樂飄飄處處聞》(The Sound of Music)將於今個夏日在澳門演出。 《仙樂飄飄處處聞》除了感人的情節, 一首首耳熟能詳的歌曲成了這劇的精髓。 2004年首次到中國演出逾百場獲得空前成功。 翌年登陸香港同樣賣個滿堂紅。 澳門成為此次巡迴演出的終點站。

1965年改編自舞台劇, 電影《仙樂飄飄處處聞》曾贏得5項奧斯卡金像獎, 而音樂劇甫登上舞台即贏得8項東尼獎。

地點:澳門文化中心綜合劇院 / 冼星海大馬路
票價:澳門幣$480, 350, 200, 100
查詢電話:2870 0699
演出約長2小時30分鐘 (包括15分鐘中場休息)
英語演出,附中、英及葡文字幕, 適合3歲或以上觀眾