Tuesday, 29 July 2008

U.S. Basketball Team Arrives in Macau 美國男籃抵達澳門準備奧運熱身賽 (美国男篮抵达澳门準备奥运热身赛)

The U.S. men's basketball team has arrived in Macau. The team will play an Olympic warm-up games against Turkey on July 31 and Lithuania on Aug 1 at the arena in the Venetian Macau before heading to Shanghai for their next two matches against Russia and Australia.

The 12-man squad includes LeBron James and Kobe Bryant will seek to reestablish American dominance at the Olympics, the team had not won a goal medal after claiming a 12th Olympic gold at the Sydney Games in 2000 and its now continue preparing for winning Olympic gold in Beijing.

“We must win all the games to build our confidence, build our spirit,” Carmelo Anthony said.

2008 USA Basketball Select Team

Deron Williams (Utah Jazz)
Chris Paul (New Orleans Hornets)
Jason Kidd (Dallas Mavericks)
Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers)
Dwyane Wade (Miami Heat)
Michael Redd (Milwaukee Bucks)

LeBron James (Cleveland Cavaliers)
Carmelo Anthony (Denver Nuggets)
Tayshaun Prince (Detroit Pistons)
Carlos Boozer (Utah Jazz)
Chris Bosh (Toronto Raptors)

Dwight Howard (Orlando Magic)

Head Coach
Mike Krzyzewski

Assistant Coach
Jim Boeheim
Nate McMillan
Mike D'Antoni

The U.S. men's basketball team defeated Turkey by 114-82 and the team win Lithuania 120-84 in its second game at the Venetian Macau (Dwyane Wade led all scorers with 19 points during the match).

美國男籃一行人總算抵達澳門為北京奧運備戰,他們立即在下榻的澳門威尼斯人酒店體育館練球。 一行人還在7月28日下午5點出席記者會和媒體見面,包括美國男籃選訓委員會執行長柯蘭吉洛(Jerry Colangelo)、教練薛塞斯基(Mike Krzyzewski)、詹姆士(LeBron James)、韋德(Dwyane Wade)、安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)等人出席記者會。 詹姆士(LeBron James)保證美國男籃能在中國奧運重奪奧運會男籃金牌。

美國男籃將在澳門進行兩場熱身賽以適應氣候及時差。7月31日美國隊將出戰土耳其,8月1日與立陶宛交手。 美國男籃在2000年雪梨奧運拿下金牌後就未在國際賽奪金, 但是他們現在已經恢復了自信。 美國隊教練要等到8月11日才會公布最後的主副比賽陣容,開幕戰上將迎來東道主中國。

在一萬兩千名球迷下, 美國男籃隊終場以114比82大破土耳其隊, 詹姆斯攻進美國隊最高分的20分。
第一節土耳其隊以31比30領先, 不過第二節在中場休息時美國隊取得54比37領先。 土耳其在第三節多次失誤, 比數進一步拉開, 美國隊取得87比59的領先。 第四節終場美國隊便以32分之差獲勝。

美國隊以120比84打勝歐洲勁旅, 歐錦賽亞軍, 世界排名第五的立陶宛隊。 韋德攻進美國隊最高分的19分, 並拿下單場MVP。 立陶宛全場命中率4成1,美國則是6成4。
第一節結束時美國以出色的攻擊力, 31比15領先立陶宛。 在第二節, 詹姆斯、布萊恩和保羅三人團隊作戰, 把比數推進到56比39。 立陶宛在第三節頻頻在三分線出手命中一度將比數追成52比61, 韋德和保羅在第四節遠投近切, 快攻, 灌籃, 最終以36分的差距獲勝。

For further about the matches - click here

Pic Source : Reuters

U.S. basketball team players Carlos Boozer, Dwight Howard, Chris Paul, LeBron James and Dwyane Wade (top to bottom) stretch during a training session for the Beijing Olympics at the Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel in Macau


Kobe Bryant stretches during training

Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and Chris Paul attend a training session

Kobe Bryant attends a training session

U.S. Olympic basketball team practice during a training session
