Friday, 8 August 2008

Value Convergence and Macquarie Macau establish JV, and agree to purchase land in Macau worth $300 million 匯盈與麥格理集團組合營公司斥資3億元收購澳門土地

Value Convergence announces that the company has agree with Macquarie Macau Holdings Pty Ltd to establish a joint venture company - MVC Macau Property Development Fund, which will be equally owned by both companies. The two comapnies will contribute $95 million to this MVC Macau Property Development Fund.

The JV company has agreed to buy a piece of vacant land at Estrada de Cacilhas, Sao Lazaro in Macau at a consideration of $300 million, with site area of approximately 2,373 square metres.

The JV company will hopefully undergo transition to become the fund, if third party investors will be introduced within the year 2008.

匯盈宣布與麥格理房地產(澳門)成立合營私募地產發展基金公司MVC Macau Property Development Fund, 從事澳門投資住宅物業, 匯盈與麥格理集團合營公司各持50%權益, 共同控制公司實體處理, 雙方將向合營公司各出資9500萬元。 公司建議本年內引入第三者, 將合營公司過渡成為基金。

合營公司將斥資3億元收購位於澳門望德堂區海邊馬路一幅空置且未發展之土地(估計市值3.6億元), 地盤面積約2373平方米, 土地項目將開拓澳門中高檔住宅物業發展、興建及出售業務。 收購價40%將以外部銀行融資方式支付, 60%將以匯盈及Macquarie Macau對合營公司之出資由合營公司支付, 收購事項之買賣契據預期將於9月簽署。