Thursday, 11 December 2008

Christmas lights switch on in Macau 聖誕元旦燈飾澳門全城放亮2008 (圣诞元旦灯饰澳门全城放亮2008)

Pic Source : ecpz - Suki


Pic Source : ecpz - Ghostmanger



To celebrate the coming Christmas and New Year, the Macau Government hold its annual Christmas Lighting Ceremony on 5th Dec. The ceremony this year took place at the center of Senado Square, the normal focal point for this annual ceremony.

The Christmas Illuminations were switched on at 6pm by a number of guests. Following the illumination, a group of children from the Macau Cultural Center Children Choir proceeded to entertain the audience with a selection of Christmas carols. Guests and locals had their early Christmas lollies from Santas.

The Christmas lights and decorations are expected to remain until 4th Jan. The major streets in Macau are now bright with Christmas lights and decorations every night from 5pm til 2am. Visitors can see the spectacular Christmas lights and decorations in all over Macau, Taipa and Coloane in all 54 different locations.

Our website visitors can view the Christmas lights (from 5pm til 2am, GMT +8) by looking at the webcam on the left hand side of this page.

為慶祝聖誕節及元旦, 議事亭前地及澳門多條主要街道佈置聖誕歡樂氣氛燈飾, 璀璨奪目。 今年聖誕燈飾的數量較去年多。 旅遊區, 郵政局, 旅遊局, 仁慈堂分別在大樓加設聖誕燈飾如滿天繁星。 亮燈儀式於12月5日下午六時舉行, 文化中心兒童合唱團小朋友於聖誕亮燈儀式上獻唱聖詩, 聖誕老人在現場向嘉賓及居民派發糖果。

今年燈飾的主題為“銀之雪”, 在全澳範圍內共設置11座大型紮作燈包飾及聖誕樹。 190個聖誕老人及雪人燈飾。 並在各主要街道的燈柱間懸掛共長達2800百米的冰條燈及15000米的米仔碎燈, 400個燈牌及600塊雪花燈牌。 美麗的聖誕裝飾為市民及旅客在聖誕期間帶來一個銀白色的聖誕節。

聖誕燈飾亮燈時間由每日下午5時半至淩晨2時, 亮燈期由12月5五日至明年1月4四日。 燈飾在54個地點佈置分佈澳門及離島各區, 其中澳門區的佈置點38個, 氹仔區十三個,路環區三個。