Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Celebrating Chinese New Year in Macau 2009 澳門熱鬧迎新春 (澳门热闹迎新春)

Pic Source : ip's2006



Chinese New Year is one of the most important festival for Chinese communities. People in Macau celebrated the Chinese New Year by dining out on Saturday, one day before the Chinese Lunar New Year. Most of the restaurants in Macau are fully booked.

This year, Macau welcomed the Year of the Ox with feisty lion dances and ear thumping firecrackers. Hundreds of people packed into downtown Macau for traditional dragon and lion dances, food and fireworks on the first day of Chinese Lunar New Year. Tourists from mainland China and Hong Kong can still be seen flocking the streets, restaurants and entertainment venues every corner in Macau during the 3 days Chinese New Year holiday.

A record number of visitors flocked to a number of temples in Macau, wishing for a prosperous year. Casinos were crowed as most of the Chinese believe that they would have a higher chance to win bets during this festival. Firecrackers are allowed in Macau, locals and tourists are welcomed to the firecracker discharge area, which lasted until the 30th Jan.


食肆, 酒樓團年飯早在幾天前就全部訂滿。 不少市民提早一個月就開始預訂團年飯。 中國傳統習俗農曆年初二食開年飯, 食肆生意也相當爆滿。


澳門多個著名景點和飯店舉辦的迎新春活動, 則成為年輕人的好去處。

澳門是亞洲少數可以燃放爆竹的城市, 今年在孫逸仙大馬路填海地和氹仔史伯泰海軍將軍馬路設立2個爆竹煙花燃放區, 供市民熱熱鬧鬧迎接新春。 是新年期間必到之處。 一場長達15分鐘的煙花匯演伴隨澳門民眾告別鼠年。

澳門的媽閣廟, 路環的天後宮晚上11點開始對信眾開放, 爭上“頭炷香”祈福平安, 吉祥是許多澳門居民的心願。

年初一上午10時在議事亭前地舉辦「12生肖及福祿壽拜年、龍獅表演、湖北恩施民族歌舞團表演」, 由500人一同舞動100段全長238米的大金龍及18頭醒獅。 寓意澳門牛年充滿活力和生機。 在澳門著名的大三巴牌坊前出發, 巡遊包括崗頂, 政府總部, 聖老楞佐堂, 亞婆井, 媽閣廟, 聖地牙哥酒店, 南灣湖圓形地, 西灣湖廣場。 一直舞龍至媽廟閣及議事亭前廳, 吸引不少人湊熱鬧。 之后嘉賓們同財神爺, 福祿壽三星, 12生肖及5位旅游大使等在議事亭前地, 向市民及旅客派“利是”及賀年飾物。

賭場方面, 5家博企旗艦賭場中場 (除皇冠主攻貴賓廳外) 均人頭湧湧, 開檯率達八至九成。

新春節期間民政總署亦於各口岸向旅客派發寓意幸運吉祥的一角“利是”。 其他新春活動包括足球賽, 新春單車行, 步步高陞旅遊塔長跑賽及賀歲3人籃球賽等。