Wednesday, 14 January 2009

City of Dreams open in Mid 2009 新濠博亞綜合娛樂度假村定於今年上半年開幕 (新濠博亚综合娱乐度假村定於今年上半年开幕)

Pic Source : AFP


Dragone Entertainment - Theate of Dreams

Melco Crown Entertainment (MPEL) announced their flagship entertainment resort, a US$2.1 billion mega resort situated on the Cotai Strip - City of Dreams, scheduled to open in the first half of this year as planned.

The resort consist of 4 hotels, over 20 dining venues provide guests with regional and international dining experiences, a 2 level retail space, a theatre, stylish nightclubs, a giant silver dome, and a spacious casino with 550 gaming tables and 1,500 slot machines.

The Crown Towers Hotel and the Hard Rock Hotel will each offer approximately 300 guest rooms. Grand Hyatt Macau will offer approximately 800 guest rooms, which will be completed in the third quarter of 2009. and Dragone theatre production will open its 2000 seats "Theatre of Dreams" soon thereafter. The final phase of City of Dreams will feature an apartment hotel consisting of approximately 800 units.

“The opening of City of Dreams will deliver a totally new entertainment and leisure experience in Macau,” Mr. Ho said.

新濠博亞娛樂有限公司今日宣布, 旗下正在興建旗艦項目 - "新濠天地" 第一階段定於2009年上半年開幕。

新濠天地今年內分兩階段啟用, 首階段開幕包括Crown Towers酒店, Hard Rock酒店 (酒店各提供約三百間客房), 天幕(The Bubble)地標, 新濠大道(第一期), 中央部分420,000平方呎娛樂場及食肆。 並設兩層佔地約175,000平方呎包括時裝、美容、珠寶等零售店舖的購物中心。 娛樂場有約550張賭檯及約1,500台角子機。 第二階段暫訂下半年陸續啟用, 包括君悅酒店(Grand Hyatt), 新濠大道(第二期)及Theate of Dreams劇院等, 最後階段包括提供約八百個單位服務式住宅酒店。

首階段開幕Crown Towers酒店以高級餐廳及酒吧為主, Hard Rock酒店是適合年輕人的搖滾風味。 此外,"新濠天地"亦設40,000平方呎的會議及宴會場地。 天幕(The Bubble)地標位於圓頂形綜合劇院中, 為遊客提供一個歷時10分鐘四維視覺效果。 度假村已敲定Dragone Entertainment駐場, Theate of Dreams劇院可容納兩千觀衆, Dragone Entertainment將進行以水為主題的亮點演出。 新濠天地將為澳門和亞洲制定休閒娛樂旅遊體驗的新標準。