Pics Source : ecpz - JamesChan
Grand Lisboa Hotel
Yumiko Cheng
Fisherman's Wharf
Khalil Fong
Fiona Sit
This year, Macau celebrated the New Year with fireworks and many outdoor celebrations all throughout the city.
New Year's Eve countdown celebrations were held at the Macau Tower square, Taipa House Museum, Fisherman's Wharf, Grand Lisboa Hotel Piazza, Ponte 16 and most of the bars and restaurants around Macau.
Singers and artists appearances from Macau and Hong Kong include 草蜢樂隊 from Hong Kong, local band 'Soler' and a number of local artists were performed at the Macau Tower Sqwuare, which attracted nearly 40,000 locals and tourists attended the event. People gathered and cheered as the countdown began and firework displays at midnight marked the arrival of the new year.
At Taipa House Museum, the event 'Taipa New Year's Eve countdown party - harmony and joy' were celebrated with a variety of local and Hong Kong artists performing on the stage, and also with a number of other traditional performances.
Amongst the new year's activities, the Grand Lisboa Piazza started its celebrations with performances and shows. Before the midnight, the grand ball at the lower part of the Grand Lisboa Hotel, the “starphere” displaying the countdown seconds to 2008. Thousands of people gathered at the Grand Lisboa Piazza to join the party and watch Hong Kong celebrities William So, Kary Ng and Yumiko Cheng.
Hong Kong artists Khalil Fong and Fiona Sit, and a number of local artists were invited by the organizer from Macau Fisherman's Wharf this year to perform in the countdown event.
Ponte 16 hosted their first time countdown event this year, and attracted over 2000 people attended to celebrate the coming new year of 2009.
為迎接新一年降臨, 澳門多個地方都有大型倒數活動。 西灣湖廣場, 氹仔龍環葡韻, 三盞燈圓形地, 漁人碼頭, 新葡京酒店及十六浦人聲鼎沸。 數以萬計的居民及遊客聚集, 不顧寒冷的天氣相聚一起倒數迎接2009年的到來。 市面洋溢熱鬧的節日氣氛。
西湖灣廣場除夕倒數派對“澳門除夕倒數夜——飛躍○九大派對”, 近四萬名居民及遊客前往欣賞。 倒數晚會由應邀來澳門的香港草蜢樂隊, 聯同本澳樂隊Soler, 以及澳門本地歌手孫鳳明, 程文政, 伽納, 龍世傑, 盧榮儀, 陳佳等先後演唱。 踏入2009年一刻旅遊塔對開海面也燃放煙花。
在氹仔,昨晚9時半起龍環葡韻圓形劇場舉行的“氹仔除夕倒數晚會——和諧歡樂大派對”節目豐富, 節目包括各國傳統表演, 童星馮正堯表演, 還有澳門歌手周佩英, 龍世傑, 蘇耀光, 倪力, 香港歌手肥媽獻唱多首經典流行曲。 接近2009年一刻表演者與在場觀衆齊聲倒數共迎新年。
新葡京酒店對出空地外, 香港歌手蘇永康, 吳雨霏及鄭希怡為在場人士等獻藝, 歌手更與台下觀衆大玩遊戲。 為活動增添不少氣氛。
在漁人碼頭, 主辦機構邀請香港歌星方大同, 薛凱琪, 聯同澳門手及舞蹈團體參與“除夕倒數派對”迎接新的一年。
今次是16浦首次加入除夕倒數活動, 在內港16浦門外舉行的“十六浦·最好的澳門·內港除夕倒數晚會”, 香港歌手周柏豪, 陳柏宇, 黃伊汶, 葉文輝, 董敏莉, 澳門土風舞團及澳門貓王Rudy Souza等同台獻藝。 表演者與在場二千多觀衆一同迎接2009年的來臨。
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Macau welcomes 2009 澳門全城迎2009新年 (澳门全城迎2009新年)
Labels: Celebrities, Festivals, Fireworks, Fisherman's Wharf, Grand Lisboa, Ponte 16
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