Thursday, 15 January 2009

Over 30 million visitor arrivals in 2008 澳門2008年入境旅客逾3000萬人次 (澳门2008年入境旅客逾3000万人次)

According to the statistics released by the city's Statistics and Census Service, Macau saw its visitor arrivals for the whole of 2008, rose 11.8% year-on-year to over 30 million. The number of visitors from mainland China accounted for 58% of the total number of visitors to Macau in 2008

Among the total visitor arrivals in 2008, visitors from the Chinese mainland (17.5 million) increased by 17.7 percent and Southeast Asia increased by 33.3 percent (Arrivals from Thailand increase by 81%, Singapore 41%) compare to the previous year. Visitors from Hong Kong went up slightly by 0.7 percent.

Currently Macau has 57 hotels and 18,820 rooms. It is expected Macau hotel rooms will increase its capacity by 4,000 rooms. In 2009 Macau is going to increase promotion of the region abroad, focusing on UNESCO Historical Heritage.

澳門特區政府統計暨普查公佈, 2008年澳門入境旅客超過3000萬人次, 較2007年上漲11.8%。 超越香港的2950萬人次。

內地、香港和台灣仍是澳門的三大客源地。 統計顯示中國內地遊客達1700多萬人次, 比上年增加17.7%。 東南亞旅客則增加33.3% (泰國旅客增幅達81%, 新加坡增加41%, 菲律賓, 韓國和日本遊客也有20%至30%增幅), 香港旅客也微升0.7%。