Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Shun Tak Group sell Macau Mandarin Oriental hotel to STDM 信德向澳博出售澳門文華東方酒店股權 (信德向澳博出售澳门文华东方酒店股权)

Mandarin Oriental International Ltd and Shun Tak Holdings Ltd, agreed to sell Mandarin Oriental hotel at Macau to STDM. Mandarin Oriental said in a statement it was selling its 50% stake in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel as the company prepares to operate another hotel. At the same time, Shun Tak Group is also selling its 50% share hotel to STDM.

Mandarin Oriental International Ltd said it would book about $90 million profit in proceeds from the sale. The deal is expected to be completed by the end of May. Shun Tak would net $6.98 billion by cashing out of the Mandarin Oriental Macau. Mandarin Oriental will continue to manage the hotel for another 2 years.

信德集團宣布, 以7.4億元向澳博母公司澳門旅遊娛樂出售澳門文華東方酒店50%股權。 交易將於5月底前完成。 文華東方國際表示出售將會獲得9000萬美元收入。 交易完成後文華東方國際將繼續管理澳門文華東方酒店, 以確保酒店運作順利過渡。

澳門旅遊娛樂亦購文華東方購入澳門文華東方酒店另外50%股權。 信德集團向澳娛購回11.68%信德股份。 受消息刺激, 信德1月23日股價上升24.19%。

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