Monday, 19 January 2009

Wynn Macau unveils Dragon of Fortune 澳門永利新景點亮相 - 富貴龍 (澳门永利新景点亮相 - 富贵龙)

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After its Performance Lake and Tree of prosperity shows, Wynn Macau's latest attraction - The Dragon of Fortune, is now being presented to guests. The show lasts about three and a half minutes and it will be present alternately with the Tree of Prosperity at 30 minute intervals.

A powerful golden dragon rises to a height of 28 feet. The Dragon, features an animated head complete with glowing eyes and billowing smoke from its nostrils. The beautiful Lotus Blossom opens 12 feet in diameter, produces a dramatic crystal light effect.

繼地標性熱點表演湖及吉祥樹後, 永利澳門宣布呈獻新景點 - 富貴龍。 富貴龍位於酒店第1期入口中庭(吉祥樹所在位置), 由即日起與吉祥樹每30分鐘輪流展現於賓客眼前。 表演約長3分半鐘。

富貴龍表演是一個集傳統雕塑藝術, 現代化燈光音響效果於一身的地標。 金龍從中庭的地底緩緩躍升至28呎的高度, 龍鼻將噴出的煙霧及燈光效果。 位於中央的蓮花, 悄然綻放至12呎的闊度, 營造出水晶燈般的閃耀效果。

富貴龍象徵龍精虎猛, 富貴康樂。